Directory Search Results for "Schick

1866 Lant's Fett, Henry, bottler, house 49 Lemon alley Reading, PA Listing
1866 Lant's Schick & Fett, Bottlers. 31, 33 and 35 N. 9th Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1866 Lant's SCHICK & FETT, bottlers. 31, 33 and 35 N. 9th Reading, PA Listing
1866 Lant's Schick, Christian, house 123 N. 9th Reading, PA Listing
1867 Howell & Cos Schick & Fett, Bottlers. 33 N 9th (see Advertisement) Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1867 Howell & Cos SCHICK & FETT, Soda Water Manufacturers. 33 N 9th (see Advertisement) Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1868 Howell & Cos Schick & Fett, Bottlers. 31 N 9th Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1868 Reilly's Schick & Fett, Bottlers. r 31 N 9th Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1869 Boyd's 1869 Fett, John H., (Schick & Fett), 35 North Ninth, Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1869 Boyd's 1869 Schick & Fett, (C. Schick and J. H. Fett), bottlers, 35 North Ninth, Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1869 Boyd's 1869 Schick, Christian, (Schick & Fett), 35 North Ninth, Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1869 Chapin's Fett, John Henry, (Schick & Fett) bottlers of Porter, &c., 4 Moss al, h 35 N 9th Reading, PA Listing
1869 Chapin's Scheck & Fett, bottlers of porter, ales, &c. 34 Moss, h 31 & 36 N 9th Reading, PA Listing
1869 Chapin's Schick & Fett, Porter and Ale Bottlers. 31 N 9th Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1869 Chapin's Schick, Christian, (Schick & Fett) bottlers of Porter, ale &c., 4 Moss, h 31 N 9th Reading, PA Listing
1870 Owen's Schick & Fett, MANUFACTURERS AND BOTTLERS OF PORTER, ALE, &c. 34 Moss. Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1871 Boyd's 1871 Fett, John, (Shick & Fett) 31 North Ninth, Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1871 Boyd's 1871 Shick & Felt, (Christian Shick and John H. Felt,) porter bottlers, 31 N Ninth, Reading Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1871 Brook's Schick & Fett, BOTTLERS. 34 Moss Reading, PA Bus. Dir.
1877 Boyd's Fett, John H., jr., bottler, 35 N 9th, h do Reading, PA Listing

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33 Directorys listings found.