Beer Bottler and Pasteurizer--75 Bay Street.
George Meyer's is the largest beer bottling
establishment in Savannah. Mr. Meyer was formerly in the
service of the Knickerbocker Ice Company, and they were at first interested with him, but he is now sole
proprietor of the business which he conducts. He started
in 1884, and with their assistance has already built up
a handsome trade throughout Georgia, Florida, South
Carolina, and Alabama. He occupies two floors and a
cellar at 75 Bay street, and has the latest and most
recently improved apparatus for bottling beer and cider,
cleanly and expeditiously that is now in use. As sole
agent here also for the Anheuser Busch Brewing Company
of St. Louis, and for the Gerke Brewing Company of
Cincinnati, he also has a heavy trade in keg beer. His
sales last year amounted to 25,000 kegs. Mr. Meyer has
put experience, vim and enterprise into his business and
is reaping the fruits of prosperity.
Soda and Mineral Waters--110 and 112
Broughton Street.
Mr. James Ray, of this concern is a veteran of the
trade, he having been in the soda water business since
1854. He is the oldest manufacturer of soda water in
Georgia. For the past eighteen years and up to last year
he was in the business by himself, but in May last he
formed a partnership with Mr. M. T. Quinan, who has also
been in the business for a considerable time. Mr. Quinan
was successor to a trade established here a way back in
1852, so that this is certainly the representative house
of its line in point of years.
But it is also the largest house of its kind. The firm
has fifty fountains which it supplies throughout the
city, and it is the only firm here performing that
service. Besides this the house has a fine country
trade, which makes it taken altogether, a most important
industry for Savannah.