Manufacturer Notes: Illinois Glass Company

GLASS WORKS.-The meeting of the Board of Trade yesterday evening was more numerously attended than usual. A principal part of the meeting was centered in statements of Mr. C. Colne, of Washington, in regard to establishment of Glass Works in this city. He designs to form a stock company for this purpose. The Board were so well pleased with his statements and plans that they appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs. Drummond, Washburne, Chouteau and Miller, to introduce Mr. C. to our citizens and further his object by every means in their power. The amount of stock required is small, and we hope it will be subscribed and the factory established. Several citizens we understand, have already pledged themselves to take part of the stock.

Proceedings of the Board of Trade

On a motion a committee of three was appointed by the chair to introduce Mr. C. Colne to the citizens of Alton, and take the necessary steps to secure a stock company for the manufacture of glassware.
The chair appointed the following gentleman as said committee: Jas. T. Drummond, E. Washburne, A. L. Chouteau, and W. T. Miller.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) August 30, 1867

The corporation Glass Works at Alton are developing into an extensive and successful manufacturing enterprise.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) June 13, 1870

The window glass made at the glass works at Alton is claimed to be clearer and better than any now being made in the United States. It is owing to the remarkable whiteness and purity of the lime and sand used

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) June 23, 1870

The Alton glass works have not been in operation this week, owing to the fact that the proprietors have already found it necessary to enlarge their facilities.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) July 9, 1870

The Alton glass works are understood to be in profitable operation under the recent arrangement.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) August 30, 1870

We are informed that the glass works lately started, are now in a flourishing condition, and bid fair to be a great success. Business is generally stagnant and tradsmen (sic) despondent.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) September 1, 1870

The Alton Telegraph says that all the lime used at the Rock Island glass works, now in successful operation, is shipped from that city, while the white sand is procured from Cap us Gris, on the Missouri shore sixty miles above, whereupon it argues that Alton would be a favorable location for the establishment of glass works.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) December 17, 1870

THERE is a prospect of the Glass Works enterprise, in this city, being revived shortly.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) January 13, 1871

ROOF CRUSHED.-The heavy fall of sleet in the great storm of Friday and Saturday tested the strength of the roofs of houses. Some that were weak were strained and otherwise uninjured. The most serious accident occasioned thereby, however was at the old "Glass Works" building, on Belle street near Cave Spring. At that building, the weight of the sleet, on Saturday, crushed in a section of the roof, measuring about 40x50 feet. the outer wall, fronting the street, was forced outward by the accident and now leans over in a dangerous position. All the outer walls were so weakened and shattered by the fall of the roof that that portion of the building can only be repaired by being rebuilt. The property belongs to Mr. C. H. Frick, The loss is considerable, but we cannot give an estimate.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) January 20, 1871

The roof of the old glass works at Alton was crushed by snow on Saturday.

The Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) January 21, 1871

Glass Works.

It is well known to our readers, that some months since very temporary arrangements were made by a co-operative company of practical glass manufacturers to establish works in this city. The glass made by them proved superior to any manufactured in this country, and it was likewise demonstrated by them that it could be manufactured cheaper at this point, than anywhere else in the United States. But owing to the lack of business qualifications and close application to businessman by the proprietors, the concern broke up in a short time after commencing operations.
Nothing further was said or done about the matter until within a few weeks past, when Mr. S. B. Woolfolk, of Virden in this State, who is well known to many of our businessmen, in connection with two practical glass manufacturers of much experience in their line of business, have been looking into the subject with a view of establishing a manufactory in Alton.
The former of these gentleman called at our office yesterday, from whom we have gathered the following particulars in regard to the matter, which, no doubt, will be of interest to many of our citizens.
It is his intention, if he meets with sufficient encouragement in connection with the gentlemen heretofore referred to, to establish, at this place, an "eight pot" manufactory, which will furnish employment for about thirty-two operatives. He and his partners propose to take a good share of the stock necessary to put the works in operation, and give it their personal attention, provided sufficient amount is subscribed by other parties to place it on a permanent financial basis. He estimates the sum necessary to carry it on successfully to be about fifteen thousand dollars.
He has asserted to his satisfaction, from figures furnished by the practical gentleman, co-operating with him, that all of the material, necessary for the manufacturing of glass can be procured at this point, of a better quality and at less cost than at any other point in the United State, with the exception of coal, which can be procured at Pittsburg, cheaper and better than here, but in all other respects Alton has the advantage over that point.
He has, likewise, satisfied himself that a better quality of glass can be manufactured here than at any other point, and with a much larger margin for profit.
As Mr. Woolfolk will, in all probability. call upon those of our business men most likely to be interested in the subject, and present in full all the facts and figures pertaining to the subject, we shall not here stop to give them in detail, but will simply commend the subject, as one well worthy the careful and thorough investigation of our capitalists, and all directly interested in the growth of Alton. For there is no concealing the fact, that unless something is done to develop the manufacturing interests here, that real estate will depreciate in value, and our city will lose its relative importance among the larger cities of the State, manufacturing can be done cheaper here than almost any point in the State, and yet there is no city in Illinois, but what is making more effort, and expending more money to have them established than we are here,
Joliet, since the location of the rolling mill there, only about a year since, has increased in population several thousands; while Bloomington, is increasing beyond all precedent, mainly on account of the establishment of the railroad machine shops. And Springfield, would be comparatively dull place, were not for the fact, that by the enterprise and business tact, of her capitalists extensive manufacturing establishments (sic) have been located there.
Our real estate owners could expend several thousand of dollars encouraging manufacturing establishments to locate in our midst, and if wisely and judiciously done, make it profitable to themselves, even if they never got a dollar directly back, simply by enhancing the value of their property, by promoting the general prosperity of the city.


Editors Alton Telegraph:

GENTLEMAN:-As the subject of glass making is at this time, to some extent, interesting the minds of some of the citizens of Alton, and my name is connected with the subject, I concluded that any information in regard to the matter, will be of interest to your many city readers, and will, therefore, by your permission, give through your columns, some statements made by careful calculations, by experienced glass manufacturers, showing the cost of making glass, and the probable profits arising therefrom. We are well aware, that men of sense do not propose to invest their time and money, in any new enterprise, unless they can see by figures and facts, that there is a reasonable prospect for a fair margin. I give below a statement of one months' run of an eight-pot furnace. The cost of labor and material, and the amount of glass produced; the average size of the glass, and the value of the same, according to present list prices. This is the kind of information men wish, when they are contemplating, or proposing, to take hold of any new enterprise.
Eight blowers, and their necessary help, will produce monthly:

50 ft. boxes. List Prices
528................ 6x 8 and 8x10@ $ 4 25............$ 2244
440............... 8x11 and 10x13@ 4 75............... 2090
352............... 8x14 and 10x15@ 5 00............... 1760
352..............10x14 and 12x18@ 5 50............... 1936
264..............14x16 and 16x24@ 6 50............... 1716
220..............18x22 and 18x20@ 7 50............... 1650
220..............20x28 and 24x30@ 8 00............... 1760
176..............26x28 and 24x36@ 8 50............... 1496
132..............26x34 and 28x40@ 9 50............... 1254
88................28x38 and 28x41@ 10 50............... 924
44................28x46 and 30x48@ 12 00............... 528
Less 40 per cent. dis. from list prices............. 6,943
Deduct cost of labor and material................... 8,071
Net proceeds................................................... $2,344

It will be observed in the above statement that there is no calculation made for double-strength large glass, which yields the largest profit to manufacturers. The estimate is made upon the presumption that all of the glass produced is only single strength, which of course, is not the case in any well regulated factory. It seems to me that there is sufficient promise of profit to induce men to take hold of this enterprise. In view of the fact it seems to be so universally desired by the citizens of Alton, I will here state that the Superintendent of an eight-pot furnace at La Salle, Ill., reports an average profit of $2,500 per month. They get their lime from Alton, and their coal, also, cost, them a per centage above the price of coal at Alton, giving Alton an advantage over that locality of about $150 per month in consumption of these two articles, to run an eight-pot furnace.
Hoping to see measures taken to develop this new element of wealth,
I remain,
Very truly,

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) January 27, 1871

A sufficient amount of stock has now been subscribed towards the Alton Glass Works to secure their successful establishment.

Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) March 20, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-At a meeting of the stockholders of the Alton Glass Works on Tuesday evening, the following gentlemen were elected Directors: S. B. Woolfolk, F. W. Alt, Ralph Gray, R. I. Compton, Elias Hibbard, C. D. Caldwell, Thomas Dunford, Austin Seeley, G. H. Weigler.
The directors met on Wednesday morning and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: S. B. Woolfolk, President; Richard I. Compten, Secretary, and Austin Seeley, Treasurer. The works will be commenced immediately, some of the practical glassworks being already in town.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) March 31, 1871

CERTIFICATES FILED.-The Alton Glass Works, of Alton, capital stock $60,000, and the American Coke Company, of East St. Louis, capital stock $100,000, have filed articles of association in the office of the secretary of state.

The Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) April 13, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The News, a springly and able local paper just established at Virden, Ill., by John Frank, Jr., contains the following article on the Alton Glass Works:
The city of Alton is soon to become the scene of a new industry, for which she will be largely indebted to the citizens of Virden. It is perhaps known to many of our citizens that since retiring from business here Mr. S. B. Woolfolk has been engaged in endeavoring to interest men skilled in the business, and others who have succeeded, having already $40,000 subscribed, enough to insure the erection of the works. The stock will eventually be increased to sixty thousand dollars. Nearly one half the amount is taken by six men who are masters of as many departments of the business, of which they will have charge, each man of his specialty. Thus every branch will be in the hands of a man who not only thoroughly understands it, but is interested as a partner in the enterprise, a condition that will go largely to insure its success. The company has been organized, and Mr. Woolfolk chosen President. He will see to the finances and have general supervision.
The vicinity of Alton supplies all the main articles used in the manufacture of glass-sand, coal and lime. A very fine, white, first-class glass sand is found on the bluffs at Capal Grisy, above Alton, whence it will be floated down in barges. The quality of the Alton line is of wide notoriety. Magnesia, and soda ash are imported product and counting heavily in the bill of costs.
Window glass only will be made. Ten pots will be constructed, each capable of producing 16 boxes of glass per day, a total capacity of 160 boxes. The flattening ovens, and blowing and melting furnaces will be of the most improved modern patterns.
We know our readers will unite with us wishing Mr. Woolfolk and his associates the largest success in this enterprise.
In addition to the above we will state that the officers of the company are now hard at work making arrangements for the commencement of business. They have purchased half an acre of ground in block 5, Hunter's addition, on the river front, and will begin erection of their buildings at once. Both the Chicago & Alton and Indianapolis & St. Louis railroads run directly through the block in which the Works are located, which gives unequaled facilities for shipping in any direction. The lots for the use of the Glass Works were obtained by the company at extremely reasonable figures.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) April 21, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The Alton Glass Works Company have staked and platted their ground, in the Third Ward, preparatory to the erection of buildings.

FOR WORKMEN.Mr. Jas. Slim, Superintendent of the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, has started for Pittsburg, to engage practical glass blowers for the works in this city.

GLASS WORKS.--It is estimated that about three months will be required to finish the Alton Glass Works buildings, in the Third ward, ready for operations.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) May 5, 1871

The Finance committee made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit:
Your committee, to whom was referred the petition of W. T. Miller, and others, praying for the gratuitous use of any property now in the possession of the city; or for an appropriation of a sum not to exceed five thousand dollars for the purpose of purchasing such property as would be suitable for the erection of Glass Works, beg leave to make the following report: Your committee met with representatives of the Glass Works and heard their views and plans, and learn from them that the city does not now own a piece of property suitable for their purposes. They request of your committee to recommend to Council an appropriation of a sum sufficient to purchase a piece of property in the Third Ward valued at $5,000. Your committee are of the opinion that the Common Council have not the right under the city charter, to purchase property for any private purpose, nor have they the right to issue bonds for any such purpose, even if the financial condition of our city was such as to warrant such an outlay. Your committee, therefore, respectively repot adversely to the prayer of the petitioners.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) May 5, 1871

The Alton Glass and Hollowware Works at Alton, Illinois, burned last night. Loss, $5,000; insurance, $2,000. The fire was work of an incendiary.

Quincy Daily Whig (Quincy, Illinois) May 27, 1871

ALTON HOLLOW WARE GLASS WORKS.-It gives us much pleasure to state that the insurance upon the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, recently destroyed by fire has been promptly and satisfactorily adjusted by Mr. F. Hewit, the efficient agent of the Phoenix and Hartford companies. Mr. F. Hewit gave his personal attention at once to securing settlement, and the companies acted promptly and honorably in the matter.
We are also glass to state that Messrs. Barler & Slim. proprietors of the Glass Works, undeterred by their misfortune and heavy loss, will commence at once in re-building of their works on the same site. And not only that they intend putting up works of double the capacity of the former ones. In other words, they intend to put up twelve ovens instead of six. So well satisfied these gentleman the Glass Works will pay in Alton, that they are anxious to embark again in the business, and will use every endeavor to push forward their new works to speedy completion. Our citizens will be glad to learn that this enterprise, so important to the future growth of this city, will soon be resumed.
In this connection we add, that no trace has yet been discovered of the incendiary who fired the Glass Works buildings.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) June 9, 1871

GLASS WORKS.--The work of rebuilding the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works is proceeding with energy. It is anticipated that the company will be ready to resume operations by the 10th of July

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) June 16, 1871

CERTIFICATE FILED.--The Cairo & St. Louis Coal Company, of the city of Sparta, and county of Randolph, capital stock $50,000, and the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Company, of Alton, capital stock $20,000, filed certificates of organization in the office of the Secretary of State, yesterday.

Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) June 20, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works company have filed articles of Association with the Secretary of State. The officers are John E. Hayner, President; E. A. Barler, Secretary; P. B. Whipple, Treasurer; Joseph Slim, Superintendent. The work of rebuilding the Glass Works is progressing rapidly.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) June 23, 1871

EXTENSIVE.-The buildings being erected by the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works company, are on an extensive scale.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) July 14, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works will be in operation on the 15th day of August. They will employ a large number of hands.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) August 4, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The glass works will commence active operation next week.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) August 11, 1871

Glass works have recently been established here.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) August 18, 1871

NEW GLASS WORKS.-We have been requested to say, that the new, extensive, and very complete glass works, on Belle street, are now all finished, and the company will be blowing to-morrow afternoon, at which time all who are interested in witnessing the operation are invited to be present.
We shall at a very early day give a full and particular description of the works, which are very much more extensive and complete in all departments than most of our citizens have any idea.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 15, 1871

ALTON GLASS.-An assortment of bottles from the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, is on exhibition at the State Fair. The works are now turning out some beautiful specimens of glassware.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 29, 1871

A BARGE loaded with 200 tons of white sand for the Glass Works, arrived this morning from Cape au Gris.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 29, 1871

In the Mechanical Department however. Alton, redeemed the county from total oblivion. The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works exhibited a fine assortment of bottles, of different grades and sizes, of their own manufacture, which attracted deserved attention for their beauty and novelty. The assortment was awarded a silver medal, "as the best display of glass ware manufactured in Illinois."

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 6, 1871

The Alton hollow-ware glass-works, which were burned down last June, are again in full blast.

Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois) October 7, 1871

The Glass Works are manufacturing large quantities of hollow-ware, and, what is better, find a good demand and ready sale for all they make.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) November 3, 1871

WHITE SAND.-A barge load of white sand for the Glass Works, arrived last night. It was from the company's quarries in Calhoun county.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) November 17, 1871

GLASS WORKS.-The new furnace at the Glass Works is being built as fast as possible, and the Works will soon be in operation again.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) January 19, 1872

HOLLOW WARE WORKS.-The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works are now about ready for business again. The new melting furnace has been completed, and the fires were kindled a day or two since, but a week will elapse before "blowing" is commenced, as a new furnace has to be heated very gradually, in order to temper the material sufficiently to stand the intense heat required for melting.

NEW MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE.-A movement is now on foot in this city for the establishment here of a window glass factory on an extensive scale. The gentlemen engaged in the enterprise are among our most prominent and wealthy citizens. It is to be conducted by a joint stock company. The capital stock has already been subscribed, and twice as much as is needed has been tendered. In addition, the enterprise is "backed" by an amount of capital that will render it one of the strongest glass corporations, financially, in the country. Mr. N. C. Hathaway and Prof. E. Marsh, Jr., who are interested in the enterprise will, leave town in a day or two, on a trip to Pittsburgh, and other glass manufacturing points, to obtain such information and make such investigations as they think necessary. The company will be fully organized in a few days, when we will give a full statement of its organization and what it proposes to do. The location of the works has not yet been decided upon, and there will, doubtless, be a warm competition among our citizens of various parts of the city to obtain its location in their particular locality. The success of the Hollow ware Glass Works in Alton has demonstrated practically that any kind of glass manufactured in the United States can be made here as cheaply and of as good, if not better, quality, then in any city in the country. We have the best of markets, the great growing West, at our very doors, while Pittsburg, herself, cannot compare with Alton in shipping facilities, in any direction-either by river or rail.
From facts in our possession, we do not deem it an idle boast to say that we believe, in five years, Alton will be the headquarters of the glass manufacturing interests of the West. The benefit which will accrue to this city from the increase and fostering of manufacturing enterprises, is simply incalculable. There is not a trade, a business or a profession in this city that will not be directly benefited thereby. In the development of manufacturing interests lies the future prosperity of Alton.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) February 16, 1872

GLASS BLOWING.-The Alton Hollow-ware Works will recommence blowing glass on Saturday

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) February 23, 1872

ALTON, Illinois, has been declared by practical men, competent of judging, to be the best location for the manufacture of glass to be found in the West. She has all of the peculiar requisites for this manufacture, and has excellent shipping facilities. It will not be long, of course. before these features are recognized by the trade generally, and as her supply of materials is inexhaustible, the chances are favorable for that city's becoming a manufacturing centre for glass. Let Alton have the glass and we will have the iron works.-Belleville Advocate.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) March 29, 1872


The hollow-ware glass works are now running to their full capacity, and are turning out large quantities of glassware of excellent quality. The recent heavy advance in the price of glass has given a great impetus to all kinds of glass manufacture.

The Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield, Illinois) April 12, 1872

Alton as a manufacturing point is unexcelled, and is achieving a rising importance in this respect. ..... there is also a glass works for the manufacture of window glass, bottles, and etc. ..........

Quincy Daily Whig (Quincy, Illinois) April 12, 1872 

SANS.-A large load of white sand for the Hollow Ware Glass Works, is being unloaded at the levee.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) May 10, 1872

A Destructive Storm.

At this time, we can only speak in general terms of the damage done, and shall hereafter give a more detailed account. The Alton Glass Works was overflowed to a depth of two or three feet, putting out the fire and leaving a heavy deposit of mud and water on the floor. The fires in the Alton Gas Works were also put out, and other damages were done. .......

The Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois) June 29, 1872

ALTON HOLLOW-WARE GLASS WORKS.-The proprietors of this well known establishment, have leased the Works to a St. Louis business house, the lease taking effect on the first of this month. The new proprietors intend to conduct the Works on as extensive a scale as heretofore, and will commence "blowing" next month.
During the last few months the Works have not only done an extensive but very successful business, and they are only induced to retire from it by the pressure of other business. This company have demonstrated the fact that glass ware can be made in Alton at a handsome financial profit, and of as fine finish and quality as any in the market.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) July 19, 1872

The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works commenced blowing on Monday, the 2d inst.

The Inter-Ocean (Chicago, Illinois) September 4, 1872

GLASS FACTORY.-W. W. Young & Son, of St. Louis, the new proprietors of the Alton Hollow-ware Glass Works, have completely re-fitted the works, and will commence blowing glass next Monday. They are practical glass makers and have large wholesale salesrooms in St. Louis.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 6, 1872

The Alton Glass Works commenced blowing on Monday, the 2d inst.

The Inter-Ocean (Chicago, Illinois) September 10, 1872

ALTON GLASS WORKS.-Below we insert some extracts from an article which appeared this morning in the St. Louis Democrat in regards to the Glass Works located in Alton. They will show ho that establishment is regarded by those living outside of the city, and demonstrate the feasibility and importance of establishing additional works of the same kind. It is beyond all question the manifest destiny of Alton to become a large and extensive manufacturing town. It may take time to accomplish it, but it is just as certain that Gen. Grant will become our next president, and that has ceased to be a controverter question. The writes says:
Bottles are the most perishable of household vessels, and it requires the labor of many men and boys to supply the increasing demand. Druggists us a great many bottles and jars of various sizes, and patent medicine dealers require immense numbers for their nostrums. Liquor and wine dealers use dark colored bottles and flasks are made in the million.
Quite an extended account of the way bottles are made is given, after which it is added:
It requires twenty or thirty men and boys to do the work at the Alton furnace. They are paid according to the work some, and make from $20 to $40 per week. The coal is brought from the mines, two miles distant, and costs about nine cents per bushel. The sand is obtained from Grafton, the fire clay at the Christy farm, near St. Louis, and the soda ash is imported by way of New Orleans. The store house is in this city, and the furnace is kept in constant operation filling the orders of our druggists, patent medicine dealers, and others. This glass factory is an important branch of our home manufactories, and will in time be reinforced by numerous similar establishments. Glass can be made here cheaper than in Pittsburg, because all the materials which enter into its composition are at our doors. Heretofore, the want of success in glass factories in this city has been owing to the lack of skill in the workmen and experience in the management.
It will be remembered by our readers that the Glass Works in this city is now operated by a St. Louis firm. Three or four more establishments, especially for the manufacture of window glass in this city, could find immediate and profitable sale, for all they could manufacture. In fact the establishment of additional factories would be of great advantage to the one already in operation, if any thing could increase the already extensive demand for all it can possibly turn out.

GLASS WORKS,-The value of manufactures to the growth of a city, is evidenced by the fact that the extensive Glass Works, now in operation here employ over eighty hands.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 18, 1872

FINED.-A man named Williamson was fined $5.00 and costs, in the 'Squire Quarton's" court on Saturday, for assault upon Pat. Hughes. Both were glass blowers. Hughes provoked the quarrel, but the court held Williamson was finable for having attached Hughes the second time after having once resented the insults offered him.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) February 14, 1873

The Glass Works.-This extensive establishment has not been in operation for some weeks past, owing to the fact that extensive repairs and improvements are being made. which are now nearly complete, and which will add greatly to the production of glass at less expense than it has been produced heretofore. This is now one of the most complete and perfect establishments of the kind in the West, but still cannot begin to supply the demand for the manufactured article.
We have been informed that several extensive manufactories of the kind will be established either in St. Louis, East St. Louis or at this point, during the summer. The Pittsburg manufacturers of glass are beginning to learn that they cannot compete with manufacturers here, where every article required for prosecution of the work, with the single exception of coal, is so much cheaper than it is there. Let them come, we have plenty of room for all who may desire to locate here.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) April 18, 1873

Application for license was filed by the Alton Glass Company, located at Alton, Capital Stock, $80,000.

Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield, Illinois) May 7, 1873

GLASS MANUFACTURE IN ALTON.-We were shown a letter this morning, written to M. P. O'Sullivan, of this city, by a gentleman who was formerly connected with the window glass manufactory in Alton and who has a practical acquaintance with everything connected with the making of glass, who says, "that he feels confident that the day is not far distant, when Alton will manufacture the finest window glass made in the country. She has all the material for the manufacture of glass of every description, is a fact, which no one acquainted with the material found here, thinks of denying. Her immense quarries of limestone, and abundances of silica bears me out in this statement."
The writer then remarks that there are several extensive manufactures of glass in Pittsburg and Wheeling, who have their eyes on this place, and at least one of them, who was formerly proprietor of a large establishment in the latter place, will visit Alton within the next few weeks, with a view of locating, if he finds things here as represented.
All that needs be said in regard to this matter is, that the manufacture of the finest glass produced in this country, is no longer an experiment in Alton but a well established fact, and , and that there is an abundance of room here for all capitalists who may wish to commence business, with a pressing demand for all the glass that can be manufactured, and that our people would be glad to welcome the location of all such establishments in their midst.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) May 16, 1873

THE GLASS WORKS have closed their works, as it is customary in Summer, and will not resume business until cooler weather.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) July 11, 1873

By Sept. 10th, the Illinois Glass Works will be ready to commence glass blowing.

The Illinois Glass Company have started the fires in their furnaces, and will commence blowing glass by next Monday.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 5, 1873

The Glass Works in this City are in successful operation, and the orders are coming in faster than they can be filed.

PERSONAL.-Mr. Wm, Eliot Smith, President of the Illinois Glass Company, has just returned from a trip to northern Illinois and Minnesota. He reports everything prosperous, and the atmosphere cool and bracing in that region.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) September 26, 1873

..... The following table gives a full list of the corporations, exclusive of railroads, and the amount the same are assessed as the fair cash value of their capital stock--which, it will be remembered, is assessed separately from that property denominated "tangible property." The table is of especial interest at this time: 


Alton Hollow Ware and Glass Co., Alton 8,464
Alton Glass Co., Alton,................. 16,694

Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield, Illinois) October 10, 1873

A BARGE load of white sand for the Glass Works is being unloaded at the landing.

HEAVY SHIPMENTS.-the Illinois Glass Works, of this city, shipped 400 boxes of glass to St. Louis on Tuesday, by the Illinois.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 13, 1873


Alton Hollow Ware and Glass Co.,
Alton ......................................... $ 8,464
Alton Gas Co., Alton ............... 18. 694

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 17, 1873



FROM JAN. 1, 1866, TO APRIL 30, 1873.

Name of Corporation | Capital stock


Alton Glass Works Company...............................| 60,000
Alton Hollow Glass Ware Company....................| 20,000

Proceedings of the State Board of Equalization Begun and Held in the City of Springfield, Illinois, August 12, 1873 (Springfield, State Journal Printing Office, 1873)

GLASS WORKS.-The Illinois Glass Works of this city, have completed their new furnaces and other repairs, and started their fires again on Saturday. They running with a full force of hands and will continue operations through the season. The striking hands resumed work on the old terms.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) May 1, 1874

Peoria's co-operative glass factory seems to have collapsed suddenly. The "skilled workmen" did not come to time. As a general rule the co-operative plan is manufacturing humbug. Such has been the experience in Alton.

For glass manufacture we have unrivaled facilities; all the principal constituents of glass are found here. White sand, the main ingredient, is found within the city limits, and is used almost exclusively by the works established. Even Pittsburg does not present the advantages offered by our city for glass manufacture. Glass is now made here with profit, in spite of the desperate efforts of the Pittsburg ring to close rival works by forcing down prices. 


the Illinois Glass Works, of this city, during the last six months have manufactured 22,000 boxes of glassware, and shipped mainly by river, from St. Paul to New Orleans.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) June 12, 1874

FRUIT JARS.-The Illinois Glass Works, of this city, are manufacturing and shipping immense quantities of fruit jars and bottles this season. We understand that they cannot fully supply the demand.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) July 17, 1874

Large shipments of fruit jars are still being made from the glass works.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) July 30, 1874

Mr. Wm. E. Smith, President of the Illinois Glass Company, is making an extensive business trip through the South, visiting all the large cities.

GLASS SHIPMENTS.-The shipments of glassware from the Illinois Glass Works have averaged over 100 gross for the past month, mainly fruit jars. The works are running to their full capacity, employing sixty-six hands, but yet cannot keep up with their orders.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) August 13, 1874

A BARGE load of white sand, for the Glass Works, has arrived at the landing.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 1, 1874

The Illinois Glass Company are making heavy shipments of hollow ware by river to Southern points.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 15, 1874

LARGE shipments of hollow ware are still going forward from the glass factory.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 22, 1874

GLASS MATERIAL.-The Illinois Glass Company received last week, per steamer Spread Eagle, 52 barrels of washed fire clay and 60 casks (50 tons) of soda ash. The latter is imported from England and the Glass Works consume 25 tons of it per month

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) October 29, 1874

The Glass Works received, last evening, per DeSmet, a large consignment of fire brick.

Alton Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) December 3, 1874

Alton Hollow-ware and Glass Company | Alton |

Lippincott, Charles E.; Biannual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts to the Governor of Illinois (Springfield, State Journal Steam Print, 1874)


Richard Galbally, one of the best known men in the city of Alton, is dead. He fell asleep about 3:30 o'clock Saturday morning after several months of suffering at his home, Third and Apple streets. There is not a man in Alton who ever met Mr. Galbally but admired him; not a man in his employ but respected and loved him with a love that is seldom found between employer and employee. For 33 years in charge of the construction work of the glass factories and in direct charge of the men of the big plant at Alton, Richard Galbally made the remarkable record of not having an enemy, or even one who would wish hill ill. Since his illness made it imperative that he give up his duties at the glass works, the inquiries as to his condition from the highest to the lowest of the army of men who knew him were of the most solicitous character. Every man hoped and wished that "Dick," as he was familiarly known, might recover and return to his post of duty. In his death there passes a kindly gentleman, one against whom it would be hard indeed for even the most critical to say a word, except of praise. He was the ideal superintendent, and although he was known far and wide throughout the country, in the glass making trade, as a good boss, there was no one who took advantage of him. Probably no man will even be more sincerely mourned, than quiet, mild-mannered Dick Galbally. He came to Alton 33 years ago to work in the glass plant being built on Belle street. His mind was of the constructive nature and he took deep interest in the building and management of the glass furnaces. When the glass plant was moved from Belle street to its present location, it was Dick Galbally who built the furnaces and directed all the work. He built every furnace in the present big plant, and so valuable was he that when Dick was taken ill with what seemed a fatal disease, it was said by his employers that "Dick" was one man who could not be spared by the Illinois Glass Co. After working hard all summer to get the plant in readiness for the season's work, Mr. Galbally began to feel the need of rest. He had taken no vacation and his health began to give away. He retired from active labor, expecting that a rest would do him good, but he continued to grow worse. For four weeks he had been unable to lie down in bed much of the time. The malady, Bight's disease, affected his heart and lungs so that it was impossible for him to sleep unless reclining in a chair. His friends were all hoping for the best, but their hopes received little encouragement. His wife, his son, and step-children were constant in their attention to him and most of the family were with him when death took him. The announcement of the death of Mr. Galbally produced a wave of grief at the glass works where he had been the honored and respected chief of the men for so many years. Mr. Galbally was a member of the school board at the time of his death. He had held various positions of honor and at one time was a member of the Alton city council. He was sent to Europe at the time of the Paris Exposition to study industrial conditions there, as a representative of the glassblowers, by the Scipps-McRae league of newspapers. Mr. Galbally's work in that direction was a valuable contribution to the knowledge in America of foreign labor. Mr. Galbally was born in Buffalo, N. Y., and was 55 years of age. When very young he went to Lockport with his family and stayed there until 1871, when he came to Alton to take a position with the old Alton glass works on Belle street. He remained with the Illinois Glass Co., when it was incorporated and held the position of superintendent. He leaves his wife and one son, William Galbally, and three stepchildren, Ernest E. Bishop, Charles Bishop of Alton, and Mrs. Scott C. Ridgeway of Chicago. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence on Apple and Third streets.

Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) December 24, 1904

Coin, "Awarded to the Alton Glass Co., Alton, Ills., for best blown and Flint Glass at the Fair of 1871," by the Illinois State Board of Agriculture.

Owens-Illinois, Inc., Company Records

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