Manufacturer Notes: Societa Artistico Vetraria

Glassmaking continued in Altare without interruptions until the 20th century. Until the end of the 19th century the furnaces were in the courtyard of the glassmakers’ houses: then in 1856, with the foundation of the Società Artistico-Vetraria (SAV), all furnaces and their instruments were grouped in a single factory.

The culture of glass in Altare has very ancient roots: the first furnaces for glass manufacturing date back to the XI century, while the Statutes of the University of Glass, a corporation bringing together families who were engaged in the manufacture of glass, were issued in 1495. When the University of Glass was dissolved in 1823, the glassmakers were soon in trouble, and therefore decided to establish the Società Artistico – Vetraria, the first cooperative society in Italy.

The Società Artistico – Vetraria, founded on Christmas Eve in 1856 by the families of glassmakers living in Altare, had several production lines: mainly glass for the home and daily life, and glass for chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as artistic objects made by the masters besides their ordinary production. A museum was set up inside the glass factory, where the most important objects were shown, including the ones presented in various national and international exhibitions and competitions.

After the failure of the cooperative in 1978, the museum was purchased by the Town Council of Altare and formed the first nucleus of the present museum collection.

The Società Artistico Vetraria, inspired by the principles of solidarity, was also destroyed by the Second World War, when the cooperative was transformed into mechanized industry, giving up craftsmanship.
Furthermore, the prolonged lack of adequate funding decreed it in 1978 dissolution of the Company. This event marked not only the end of a company, but of an ancient working community that wrote the history of glass and expressed a working culture centered on the value, respect and dignity of each associate and collaborator, in deliberate opposition. to the needs of capital.

La S.A.V. produsse la bottiglia con la biglia in vetro mezzo bianco e con l’ausilio di stampi, dal 1914 al 1938, anno in cui disposizioni igieniche ne decretarono l’uscita dal mercato.
La famosa biglia, che aveva sostituito quella di gomma inserita nella bottiglia inventata da Codd, era realizzata in uno stampo a corona, perfettamente sferica e smerigliata, per garantire una perfetta chiusura.

(rough translation by Google) "The S.A.V. he produced the bottle with the half-white glass ball and with the aid of molds, from 1914 to 1938, the year in which hygiene regulations decreed its exit from the market.
The famous marble, which replaced the rubber one inserted into the bottle invented by Codd, was made in a crown mold, perfectly spherical and frosted, to guarantee a perfect closure."

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