Source: Louisville Daily Courier-January 1, 1856

Location: Louisville, Kentucky


Page: 2

A New Business in Louisville.

We take pleasure in calling special attention to the advertisements of Mr. Thos. E. Jenkins & Prof. J. Lawrence Smith, who have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on the drug and prescription business at the corner of Third and Walnut streets, and engaging extensively in the manufacture of pure chemical products.  Prof. Smith, the distinguished Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department of the University of Louisville, is widely known for his eminent scientific attainments, and his business unquestionably has no superior in the Union.  Mr. Jenkins has for several years been Prof. Smith's principal assistant in his experiments, and is one of the safest and most reliable compounders of prescriptions, and one of the most skillful pharmaceutists in the city.  There are only a few establishments in the United States where chemical products are manufactured, and this enterprise has our best wishes for success.  On the purity of the articles manufactured by Prof. Smith, we hardly need to say the most implicit confidence may be placed.



THOS. E. JENKINS and J LAWRENCE SMITH (Prof. of Chemistry in the Medical Department of the
     University of Louisville,) have formed a partnership for the purpose of carry on the

Manufacture of Chemical Products,

in connection with the Drug business.
    J. E. Jenkins will give his special attention to the


at the store lately occupied by Dr. Johnston, corner of Third and Walnut streets.
    The Manufacturing Department will be directed by


and developed as the demands of the place require.
    Arrangements are now made for the manufacture of

Pure Chemical Products,

and in a short time articles manufactured by the house will be introduced into commerce.
    They are now prepared to manufacture at the shortest notice various Chemical and
  Pharmaceutical products required in medicine or the arts.
                                                                                      THOS. E. JENKINS
                                                                                      J. LAWRENCE SMITH