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subscriber has on hand and intends keeping a supply of
the following BOTTLED LIQUORS:--
Poughkeepsie and Albany PALE ALE and Philadelphia BROWN STOUT
Philadelphia and Baltimore PORTER and ALES
Champagne, Newark and other CIDERS, in Wood and Bottles
Cash paid for Porter and Champagne BOTTLES
Shipping Merchants, Captains of Vessels and Brokers are
requested to call and judge for themselves.
N. B.--The above Liquors will be warranted to keep
sound in any climate.
Gay street, Baltimore.
FOR SALE--Three Iron Hubb'd and Iron Axled WAGONS;
the hubs re reamed and axles turned; the bodies are
large and hung on springs, with bows and covers that can
be removed at pleasure.--They are capable of sustaining
a load of thirty hundred, (built expressly for the Mead
business,) and well adapted to hauling Furniture,
Baggage Wagons, &c. The body of one being much
worn, the running part is well suited to a brewer or
lumber merchant. Also, from two to three thousand
quart, and about fifteen hundred pint stone BOTTLES, in
good order, together with HARNESS, BREWING CASKS, CASES,
&c. &c., comprising every thing necessary for carrying
on the Mead and Root Beer business-The above will be
disposed of low, either collectively or separately; if
collectively, the undersigned will impart to the
purchaser all the information in the Mead and Root Beer
business which an experience of eleven years has
afforded. Also, one valuable grey HORSE five years
old, well broke to any harness, sound, and of fine style
and action. Also, one three horse Tabular STEAM
BOILER, new, and capable of carrying 100c. Steam.
Also, one three horse ROTARY ENGINE. Also, the
following surplus Articles in the Mineral Water
business, viz: One Forcing Pump; several Mineral Water
Founts; four Mineral Water Coolers; one Marble Slab, six
feet long and but little used; one double barred silver
plate Draw Pipe, large size; one medium size do. do.;
one large size do. do., with Egyptian marble column, and
several others less valuable; one pair matched mahogany
Syrup Cases, containing five cans each; two
Refrigerators for Founts, (one new, the other in good
order,) each lined with zinc and packed with charcoal;
one Oil Cloth Carpet; about a dozed Mineral Water Signs,
comprising plain and gold lettered and transparences,
together with many other articles connected with the
business. Apply to
At their Mineral Water Establishment, basement at
Barnum's Hotel, or at their Manufactory, McCausland's
Old Brewery, Holiday street, near Pleasant.