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Improvements on Gay Street.-We are pleased to
observe that some fine improvements are in progress on
Gay street, in the immediate vicinity of the Sun office,
both north and south of Baltimore street, which when
finished, will very greatly benefit the neighborhood,
and doubtless prove to be a profitable investment of the
capital required in the construction. This part of
the city is rapidly becoming one of the main business
thoroughfares in Baltimore, and now presents a very
different aspect from that which greeted our vision a
few years since. .........
The improvements on the "old city lot" on South Gay
street, by Messrs. John Boyd & Son, we also observe, are
approaching completion, and reflect credit on the
contractor, Mr. G. H. Shipley. There are three
large buildings designed for stores and dwellings,
having a front of about ninety feet on Gay street, and
running back about eighty feet, which when completed,
will, we think, find ready occupants, as they have been
constructed with a regard for both beauty and
convenience, and centrally located. In the rear of
these improvements, fronting on Tripolet's alley, the
same gentleman have in course of erection a row of small
two story dwellings, five in number. Also a very
large and substantial building adjoining, designed for
their bottling establishment, a stable, and other
conveniences which will soon be finished, enabling them
to prosecute their business on a more extensive scale.