Source: The Sun-March 14, 1851

Location: Baltimore, Maryland


Page: 2

CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--WILLIAM RUSSELL has this day associated LEWIS HEERMANN with him in the bottling business, which, for the future, will be conducted under the firm of
                                                                                            RUSSELL & HEERMANN
                                                                                                  No. 22 Light street, Baltimore.
  WILLIAM RUSSELL most respectfully returns his sincere thanks to the former friends and the public generally for past favors, and solicits a continuance of the same.  Having made extensive arrangements in in his manufacturing establishment., will enable him to fill all orders with promptness and dispatch equal to any Bottling Establishment in this city or elsewhere, with a very superior article of BOTTLED PORTER, ALE, CIDER and MINERAL WATER, which needs no further recommendation than what has already been given by a generous public.
N. B. All orders from neighboring towns will, as usual, be attended to with the same dispatch, as has heretofore been given, by
                                                                                                                       RUSSELL & HEERMANN.