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Liquor Licenses.
The time for applications for liquor licenses expired
on Saturday. The number asked for is somewhat less
than last year, and there are comparatively few new
applications, only eleven in all, as follows:
Three from Pottstown, J. W. Guldin, of the Eighth ward,
hotel license; Wm. H. Kelly, of the Third ward, who at
present has a bottler's license and has made application
for a wholesale liquor license, and Colonel M. M.
Missimer, who desires a wholesale license. The
other new applicants are: Ambler, John D. Cooper;
Norristown, Sixth ward, Harold Corson; Souderton, O. L.
Althouse, restaurant; Cheltenham, Charles T. Snyder;
Marlboro, John O. Hendricks; Upper Providence, Moritz
Einhorn and Gottleib Grossmuller, wholesale bottlers;
Whitemarsh, Samuel T, Godfrey. License court
will be held on Monday, March 26, at which time it is
customary to renew all licenses, those remonstrated
against being subject to revocation later. The new
applications will be passed upon early in April.