The undersigned manufacturers of MINERAL WATERS,
and bottlers of PORTER, ALE, CIDER and LAGER
BEER, respectfully beg leave to inform their
patrons, that on account of the large advance in
the prices of malt liquors, as well as of all
materials used in the manufacture of MINERAL
WATERS, they have been compelled to advance
their prices form 70 to 75 cents a box, or 37
1/2 cents a dozen; to commence on the 1st of
Eugene Roussel,
John Andrews,
Wm. Dubois,
James Sloan,
Thomas Campbell,
Jno. O'Dea,
M. Deever,
A. Wagner & Son,
D. Hoppel, (sic)
T. J. Tholey, (sic)
P. Heuser,
C. Krug,
Rob't Andrews,
J. Watson,
J. Youngblood,
J. Gaslin, (sic)
E. Duffy & Son,
J. Lynn,
Francis Hess,
H. Reeder, (Germant'n),
S. D. Harper, (Frankf'd)
Rob't Riddle,
G. S. Twitchell,
Jno. O'Kane,
Lewis & Scott,
F. McKinney,
A. Cummings, (sic)
J. M. Kirscherman,
Johnston & Co.,
Graeber & Son,
J. B. Welsher,
F. Haeberle, (sic)
J. Monteith,
L. Bertram,
W. Otto,
S. R. Ervin,
Doody Á Co.,
M. & J. Duffy,
J. McLaughlin,
James Slevin,
John R. Johnson, (Falls)
Ed. Scott, (Holmesburg)