Source: Public Press-May 16, 1890

Location: Northumberland, Pennsylvania


Page: 2

Mercantile Appraisement List.

List of Dealers in Northumberland County:

I hereby certify that the following list of dealers, taken and classified and returned by and in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, in and for the Country of Northumberland for the year 1890, is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief:



Hotels, Liquor Stores, Restaurants, &c.

 All taverns, restaurants, bottlers and brewers are in class 5.  Wholesale liquor in class 3.



Schreyer P H Jr wholesale 3     200
Gehrig H H bottler 5     100



Omler Peter F wholesale 3     200
Scott Thomas wholesale 3     200
Deitrich Samuel bottler 5     100



Bright B F wholesale 5     150
Rockefeller D P & Bro bottlers 5     150



Adams, J H wholesale 3     200
Clifford Peter wholesale 3     200
Feldhoff W J wholesale 3     200
Hine and Kramlich wholesale 3     200
Kearns Patrick wholesale 3     200
Kearney W A wholesale 3     200
Maher Thos wholesale 3     200
Quinn Patrick Jr wholesale 3     200
South Chas wholesale 3     200
Feldhoff W J  bottler 5     100
Flaherty Michael bottler 5     100
Newman John bottler 5     100



Moeschlin J & A bottlers 5     100
Moeschlin J & A brewers 5     100



Reichart David F wholesale 3     200


An appeal will be held at the Treasurer's office, in Sunbury, on Monday the 16th day of June, 1890, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., when and where you may attend if you think proper,
                                                     EMIL WILVERT,
                                                       Mercantile Appraiser.


 The above licenses and fees must be paid to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of July next, in order to save costs, as after that date all unpaid claims will be placed in the hands of the Justice of the Peace for collection.
                                    JACOB KREMER,
                                          County Treasurer.
  If amount is sent by mail stamps must be enclosed for return receipt.