Source: Desert News-July 5, 1871

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah


Page: 3

NEW REFORM.-The introduction of Soda Water and Sarsaparilla, by Day & Co., has done more in the way of a Temperance Reform than all the lectures that have been delivered in the country.  The natural condition of a man is a thirsty one, and it has long been an established fact that water will not quench thirst.  The question then arises, can we find a substitute as harmless in its effects, and more delicious in taste than anything yet discovered?  We find it in Day & Co.'s Soda and Sarsaparilla.  If every one would sign a Pledge and drink nothing but this Celebrated Beverage, much degradation, misery, shame and crime would be prevented in the world.  If any one doubts the truth of our remarks let them stop into the first place they come to and try it.  It will vouch for itself.