Bottle Search Result - Pottery Mead Bottles Dated 1855

Bottle IdFirm And ProductLocationMaterialCategoryShape
54901AC Bronwell Wheaton & Co. New Bedford, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
55271AD Fowler Chelsea, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
50918AJ Gleason Rochester, NY, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
54699AD Gleason Milford, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
55241AA Melvin Lowell, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
51336AD Simonds Boston, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
54278AA Squier Providence, RI, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
54278AB Squire Providence, RI, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead
54281AF Vickary Lynn, MA, United States Pottery Beer Pottery Mead

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9 Bottles found.

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