Source: Springfield Republican-May 23, 1849

Location: Springfield, Massachusetts


Page: 2

Bottling Establishment-We stepped into the Soda bottling establishment of E. Bigelow & Co. yesterday, and witnessed the ingenuity of the machinery used, and the dispatch with which the labor was executed.  Fourteen dozen bottles an hour are put up at one machine.  This business of late years has been introduced in our large cities, and has grown to considerable importance.  Good soda can now be drank at home, and to hotels the convenience is very great.
    The Soda bottled by this concern is the best we have ever seen.  The syrups used are the same as those used at their elegant fountain, and those used at the fountain are as good as the best.  It will be remembered Messrs. Bigelow & Co. charge customers with soda as well as fountains and bottles.  Any one disposed to dispute the statement, will, by calling at their store on Main street, have his mouth stopped.