Directory Search Results for "Arto, John"

1870 Murray's Arto, John, fruits etc. 108 Austin b Prarie and Texas Avenue. Houston, TX Listing
1873 Tracy &Baker Arto, Jacob, grocer, cor Prarie and Austin Houston, TX Listing
1877 Mooney's ARTO, JOHN, PROPRIETOR HOUSTON SODA WATER FACTORY, MAUNFACTURER OF BELFAST GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SYRUPS, SODA & MIN'L WATERS AGENT FOR Dr. Bates' Celebrated National Tonic Beer, Machinery and apparatus for Bottling and dispensing Soda & Mineral Wat Houston, TX Ad
1877 Mooney's ARTO, JOHN, Soda Water Manufacturer, Factory and res n s Magnolia e of I. & G. N. R. R. Houston, TX Listing
1877 Mooney's Arto, John, SODA, SARSAPARILLA AND GINGER ALE MANUFACTURERS. e of I. & G. N. R. R. Houston, TX Bus. Dir.
1879 Morrison's Arto, John, soda water manufactory and res n s Washington e I. & G. N. R. R. Houston, TX Listing
1879 Morrison's Arto, John, SODA WATER MANUFACTURERS. n s Washington e of I. & G. N. R. R. Houston, TX Bus. Dir.
1880 Morrison's Arto, John, soda water manufacturer, factory and res n s ext Mahnolia e of I. & G. N. R. R. Houston, TX Listing
1882 Morrison's Arto, John, soda water manuf'r, r. 329 Commerce opp I. & G. N. round house. Houston, TX Listing

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9 Directorys listings found.