What's New



38,000 bottles are now listed with the addition of over 500 new bottles.  Over 900 new and improved pictures have been added!   There are now nearly 27,800 bottle pictures are on the site. I still have a backlog email and auction contributions.

Added directory listings from New Haven, CT most years 1840-1920, Rochester, NY most years 1827-1880, every 5 years 1885 thru 1921, individual listing for years in-between, Montgomery County PA available years 1860-1921, Westchester County NY Towns 1866-1918, Shamokin, Sunbury and Northumberland County PA 1889-1919, Torrington CT 1909-1921, New York State Directory for 1867, Michigan State Directory for 1897, Ohio State Directory 1875, Trade Directory for Central America & the Caribbean, Several additional Directors for Chester and Bucks Counties PA, and individual directories and additions to previously published directories

Added 11 new pontiled bottles. A  olive green torpedo marked J. T. BROWN, with the address, from Boston, MA, an aqua soda embossed J. H. Lave And J. W. Rosa from Richmond, IN,  a deep aqua soda marked N. Oester from Aurora, IN, a green porter from W. Eagle and marked Dyottville Glass Works, from New York, NY, a green porter marked I. D. Williams from Woodbury, NJ.  a blue pony marked W. Ryer with a script R on the reverse from Newark, NJ, a green porter marked F & R from Shamokin, PA, and a related C. R. green porter from Trevorton, PA, a green porter form John Orth of Sunbury, PA, green taper toped soda marked J. Zerbe, Mineral Water from Duncansville, PA, a green porter marked J. Heis from Wilkes-Barre and marked Union Glass Works on the reverse.

Added 1 new Gravitating Stoppers a new variant from S. Cummings, of Philadelphia, PA.  Added 3 new Codd Stoppered bottles one from the Ideal Aerated Factory of Kingstown, Saint Vincent and another from W. E. Veira of Basseterre, Saint Kitts, and a last one not marked, but attributed to the East Bay Gazzosa, of Oakland, CA, based on locations where found and age.  Added 1 new Roobach 1883 Patent with a bottle embossed Serwazi & Co. from the Manayunk section of Philadelphia, PA. Added 1 new Roobach 1885 Patent with a bottle embossed J. H. Comeskey, Brewster, NY. Added 1 new Sani-Seal Stopper from William Bereczky of Georgetown in Wilkes-Barre Township, PA.

Updated the Article Early Soda & Mineral Water Bottles 1830-1839 On the Cusp with new information on the firm and Finley & Phin and 1840-1844 The Explosion with attribution of the "L. D." bottle to Lewis Debozear of Philadelphia.

Added 1 Country of Saint Kitts as a bottle was found from this country.  Search pages and dating wizards were updated.

Additional Newspaper Articles added 239 new articles and a couple of other referenced documents.

Added 1 New Closure a beer bottle closure by George, John George, and Martin Rehfuss, patented on June 4, 1889 and known as the Joly Stopper.

Added New Pictures and Illustrations as historical documents that will appear when the firm that produced the bottle has an associated image of this type.

Added 1 New Manufacturers Societa Artistico Vetraria of Altare, Italy.  Also removed the I-R Company whose mark "I0R Co" was a 1 and not an "I" and is that or Reed & Co. of Ohio.

Updated Maps for the Saint Kitts as a new country.

Added Several Notes for 2023 including Miscellaneous Savannah Notes, Will The Real A. P. Smith Please Stand Up?, Knickerbocker Soda Bottles, Rubber Bottles? and Idaho's First Soda Bottle.

Moved the 2022 what's new to an archive page and created a clean version of what's new for 2023.



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